As I mentioned last week, I think Winter is the perfect time to share some of my favorite locations for Destination Weddings and Honeymoons.
Last week I had the pleasure of getting out of the cold temps here in New York City and exchanging them for warmer ones in Saint Lucia. This trip wasn't for pleasure, but rather business as I have a client getting married there in the Spring.
The flight from New York City was fairly easy; only 5 hours direct on Jet Blue. If going this way I would recommend spending the extra money to get the "more room" seating. You have priority boarding and you have more leg room, both a plus when flying. And because you're traveling over international waters the movies are free! Pretty much a win, win if you ask me!
Upon landing in Saint Lucia I was quickly welcomed with the warm breeze and sunshine - my heart skipped a beat and I knew I would fall in love, if not for the weather, but for the nice people that greeted me on my way to customs.
After clearing customs my hour ride was not one for the faint of heart…winding roads that would make the most avid rollercoaster lover turn green. But alas, upon my arrival to Jade Mountain and Anse Chastenet I heard the breaking waves and saw the most pristine waters I've ever experienced!
My Major Domo, Vito (or Butler) quickly showed me my room which has the most amazing views of the Piton's; who wouldn't mind waking up to these every morning?!
Each room is unique and different…no cookie cutters here! Most have an open floor plan and all overlook the Pitons. The rooms above mine all have infinity pools and the fourth "wall" is actually the outdoors. That's right; each room is wide open to the elements. Now have no fear…Bugs are attracted to me like girls are to Justin Beiber and I am happy to report I left Saint Lucia with no bug bites, which is due largely to the elements and the Caribbean breezes. But if you are fearful of bites, each bed is equipped with its own mosquito netting.
Each room has fantastic amenities, with Molton Brown Soap, amazing showers, and hot tub. However, guys if you are on your honeymoon during the playoffs you'll have to rely on your smart phone to tell you the score…there are no TV's or Radios to speak off. The experience is meant to bring you back to nature and appreciate the scenery around you, not be bogged down with work, game scores or phone calls from your parents to see how your trip is going. Further, if you are on your honeymoon…I would hope you aren't worried about the game, but rather "enjoying your time" with your new bride!
After getting my orientation I made my way up the 168 stairs to the Celestial Terrace to catch the most spectacular sunset I've ever seen! With a glass of champagne and amazing hors d' oeuvres I enjoyed watching the sun set over what would be my first night at Jade Mountain.

After a great night's sleep, and waking up to the sunrise over the Pitons, I was excited to see the property to learn more of just what St. Lucia had to offer my client. During your first morning at Jade Mountain it’s highly recommended that all new arrivals take the hour long orientation tour of the property. It may seem tedious at first, but trust me, you get a clear history of how and why Anse Chasenet and Jade Mountain came to be. Since the age of 26 founder, architect and visionary Nick Troubetzkoy has put his blood sweat and tears into what has become the Caribbean's top 5 Star Resort. Having met his wife Karoline you get a sense for the passion they have, and this passion truly is steeped into each and every person that works at the resort!

The best part of Jade Mountain and Anse Chastenet is you can easily everything they have to offer from scuba, to snorkeling to a walk into the Caribbean's only "drive in volcano" where you can actually drive or walk into what was once an active volcano. But don't be mistaken, you get a sense and smell for the power this volcano once had as the sulfur springs are very much alive.
From there you are taken to the sulfur springs and the botanical garden where you can get a sense of the flowers and fauna of the Caribbean. Or you can take a hike up the pitons to see the beauty of the Island …the activities are endless. Or if you want to sit and relax you can do that too.
The resort is perfect for those planning a destination wedding, those celebrating their honeymoon or for those that want to celebrate many happy years of marriage. Whatever the occasion I highly recommend you visit Anse Chasetnet and Jade Mountain.
Until next time -